Monday, December 22, 2008

Allepy and Kochin

We spent much of last week in Alleppy, with day visits to surrounding areas. I enjoyed Alleppy, as Cheryl and I stayed with a family who was a lot of fun. They enjoyed music, so we got to hear a lot of it during our stay. While in Alleppy, we took a ride on a houseboat, which was wonderful. These boats are rugged looking on the outside, but on the interior, they are very nice. The boat we were on had a TV, stereo, 3 bedrooms, and a dining table. We enjoyed the breeze and relaxed on the front deck for about 2 hours (I fell asleep...). We also had a quick breakfast on board. I would say the houseboat ride was one of my favorite experiences here in Kerala; because it was a time for quiet and relaxation without anyone watching us or taking photographs.

We also took a day trip to Kochin, which is an old Portuguese shipping town on the water. We visited the Jewish synagogue there and walked around the streets, which had a very European feel to them. We had a nice lunch in a hotel, and we saw a snake charmer! This was the first snake charmer I have ever seen, and it was very cool.

Currently, we are near Kottayam. Tomorrow is Christmas eve and I am missing my family very much! So if they are reading this, I love and miss you all!

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